A downloadable game for Windows and Linux
According to Hebrew apocrypha, Eremiel is the angel who guards over the entrance to the Abyss where all souls travel after they leave this world. After a short time down there, they give penance for their sins and emerge through the gate where they are greeted by Eremiel who then guides their way to Heaven. One day, the gate goes quiet. Many souls who should have come through are nowhere to be found. Eremiel enters the Abyss in search of the lost souls and finds a sinister plan in motion.
Eremiel is an action-adventure game made with RPG Maker MV. It plays better with a gamepad but is still enjoyable with keyboard movement. Get ready to blast your way through the Abyss, collect power ups, upgrade your weapon and armor, and fight wicked demon bosses in order to find out what they're scheming.
Feature Highlights
- Action combat, no battle screens.
- Enemies drop power ups like fireballs that explode on impact and thunder that fires in all directions.
- Different types of on-map enemies that have their own abilities and properties.
- A more personal story ties in with main plot and is revealed to you in a series of flashbacks throughout the game.
- Upgradable attack and defense. Your basic attack starts out weak but by the end of the game is about on part with the power ups.
- Enemy bosses with their own movement and attack patterns.
Playtime is about 1 hour. This game was originally made for IGMC 2017 but has since been updated. Thanks for playing!
Created by Frogboy for IGMC 2017
Title Screen Image: bngdesigns
Scripts By: Galv, Yanfly, SumRndmDde, Philipp Brede
Special Thanks To: Enterbrain, Victor Moura, Whtdragon and to everyone who provided feedback on my game so that I could continue to improve it
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From RPGMakerGameReviews.com:
Score: 88/100
You’re the angel Eremiel, sent to find out why souls aren’t coming to Heaven after their time in the Abyss.
The Score
Story: 10/10
The story seemed interesting. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see much of it.
Characters: 6/10
There’s only one main character, Eremiel. He seems to be doing his duty with a godly heart, but there’s nothing that makes his personality stand out.
Writing: 10/10
The writing is great. It’s clear and moves the story along as you talk to spirits whom you rescue.
Mapping: 10/10
The few maps that I saw were very well laid out. They had interesting shapes and were full of scenery.
Art: 10/10
I like the title art, but I didn’t get to see if it had anything to do with the game. Is it supposed to be Eremiel? Is Eremiel a female angel? Is it a female demon who is the reason souls are being trapped in the Abyss?
The rest of the art is RPG Maker assets, and Frogboy has used them well.
Creative Game Design: 10/10
Eremiel shines in this category. All of the combat takes place on the map screens. It’s action combat as you shoot holy energy and use power-ups on enemies as they approach you. The power-ups change your attack in a variety of ways. The best is when you can snag an area of effect ability. Others boost your health.
There’s also a HUD to tell your health, money, and time remaining to use your power-up.
At the beginning of the game, you can choose between three difficulty levels. More on this in the next section.
Gameplay: 4/10
Here’s where Eremiel falls short for me. I love that the game uses on-screen combat. I love the idea of rescuing souls as an angel serving the Lord. Unfortunately, I did not get very far with this game. I had it on the Easy difficulty level and found it far from easy. I couldn’t even get past the second enemy map! If that was easy, I’d hate to see what Insane is like.
I might have given myself a few more tries on the game if I could save it after the first map, but there’s no menu screen and no way to save until you reach a checkpoint.
Technical: 10/10
Frogboy has done a really nice job of making a smooth gaming experience that utilizes the plugins he needs to make an on-map action-combat game.
Music: 8/10
Most of the music is RPG Maker, which is fine. It’s catchy and sets the mood of the game. There were a couple of maps that didn’t have any music though, and sounded empty.
Sound: 10/10
The action on the maps had appropriate sound effects. As I say on all my reviews, a great step would be to add voice acting for the dialog sequences, but that’s really going above and beyond for an RPG Maker game.
If you’re up for a challenge, play Eremiel. You might enjoy the arcade-style push to get through the waves of enemies more than I did. It certainly seems that it would be a rewarding story to see the end of if you can get that far.
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Thank you for the review! To answer your question about the character Eremiel, I gender swapped the character from make to female for story purposes.
Sorry you had difficulty with challenge level. Easy mode comes with save/heal points in both shops and before the bosses. Normal only supplies heal/save in the shops and Insane mode is mostly just to give me a challenge. The save points don't heal so you've got to make due with power ups to restore health.
As for the cover art, it actually does have a significant tie in with the story, one that isn't realized until you see all of the story and even then is easily missed.
Thanks again for playing my game. Hope you enjoyed what you got to see!
This review is for the version 1.4 so I don't know any future fixes but here's my experience:
You play as angel with the name of Emeriel and your mission is to rescue the lost souls in the Abyss and find out who closed the gates to reach heaven.
Is a kind of dungeon crawler shooting game, and I actually had fun playing it, I think this game can be hard but no unfair, it heavily reminded me the times I played the original Binding Of Isaac, you just have to be very careful and very patient and at those moments like when I had 1 in my lifebar while trying to get back to the savepoint really made me feel tense and I love games like that.
And about the story, it's not that plot heavy but I don't think it needs to be, it has a decent plot at least when it comes to the protagonist and other character I won't spoil, on the other hand I do think the bosses need a little bit more of story interaction into them but this game was made in less than a month so it's very understandable.
What it does lack it's uniqueness, it does look a lot like an RPGMaker game and I think that's limiting the game, I also must say that I've seen the developer update this game constantly so it will probably become an even better game that is right now, overall I felt satisfied after finishing the game and I wouldn't say is awesome but it's definitely a pretty good game.
Thank you so much for the review! It, along with the other information that you provided, has helped me out tremendously. Pretty much all of the improvements for version 1.5 were due to your assistance. It is a better game because of your help. You rock!